Bay Area Arts Together in the News

  • KCBS News Radio Interview

    “The arts bring so much to our lives,” says Jennifer Bielstein, Executive Director of the American Conservatory Theatre (A.C.T.) in this interview with KCBS Reporter Melissa Culross. “There is certainly the entertainment value, the ability to escape from your day-to-day, but there is also the learning that you do about yourself and about others.”

    After almost 2 years of pandemic living, people might be a little skittish about returning to exhibits, plays, concerts, and dance performances. With a unifying message, this campaign promotes the safety of in person arts events with proclamations that organizations are ready to welcome people back.

  • Trendspotting: 100 San Francisco arts organizations launch Bay Area Arts Together campaign to win back live audiences

    #BayAreaArtsTogether aims to unite the Bay Area community around the arts.

    ”Per the announcement the campaign is “an integrated marketing and communications campaign aimed at building confidence for the safe and healthy return to in-person performances, exhibits, and events.”

  • KTVU Reports on Bay Area Arts Together

    Now is the perfect time to give the gift of an experience.

    KTVU’s Pam Cook reports on avoiding shortages while creating holiday memories in a way that also helps out your local community.

    [Jennifer Bielstein] says the value of giving the gift of a museum membership or a night of enjoying a performance goes well beyond the price of the ticket. “There is everything from the intrinsic value that we deliver to someone’s life of the experience, learning about yourself, learning about others, there’s also the economic impact that we have. Because when we are back, we are bringing visitors to our organizations and then they’re going shopping, they’re going out to dinner or lunch, they’re paying to park somewhere, they’re paying for public transportation, they’re hiring a babysitter at home.”

What people are saying.

  • “Over the summer many arts and cultural leaders were discussing how we can ignite the Bay Area community to return to our offerings after being sheltered-in-place for such a long time. We rolled up our sleeves and came together around how our community has missed what arts and culture bring to their lives and how we are collectively READY to welcome people into in-person arts experiences again. We’re READY to explore, learn, laugh, be moved, be inspired, and get re-connected to each other.”

    — Jennifer Bielstein, Executive Director of American Conservatory Theater

  • "BayAreaArtsTogether aims to unite the Bay Area community around the arts. I hope we soon see audiences (safely) return. I can only imagine the challenges of keeping these organizations running over the past few years. Yes, streaming is a great option. But there’s simply no substitute for the live in-person experience; the pre-show chills and excitement you get as the house lights go down and the drapes part. It’s a feeling I think we all look forward to participating in again soon."

    — Clinton Stark, StarkInsider

  • "Hopefully this becomes a tradition with families to say 'Hey, how am I going to support someone local, our neighbor, our neighborhood, and keep it vibrant?"

    — Peter Gamez, CEO & President, Visit Oakland